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Which extensions does Magento offer?

With Magento it is possible to develop a versatile and user-friendly online shop, thanks to the additional extensions. Extensions are tools or additional services that optimize the shop and make it more functional. These are particularly accessible in the commerce version. But which extensions does Magento offer? It is important to note that the extensions can be divided into two categories: search engine optimization and shop optimization. The most important extensions shall be explained below.

One of the most important additional services is search engine optimization (SEO). Google rewards pages and shops with individual content and a transparent structure by ranking them high. Cases such as duplicate content or page speed that is too slow are reported to you as errors immediately so that you or your team can fix them immediately. The quick correction ensures that your page ranks higher among your competitors. The special thing about the SEO function is that you also get it with the open-source program. However, this is extended in the commerce system.

What further enhances the search engine optimization of your site or your shop is good and unique content. This can be promoted through a blog integrated by Magento. The so-called “Better Blog” function enables you to design your blog, post new articles and add review comments easily. On the one hand, this conveys to your customers that they have passionate expertise in relation to your products and, on the other hand, Google that your site is unique.

Checkout plays an important role in shop optimization. There, the customer determines whether he will buy the product based on speed or professional appearance. The checkout is integrated directly into the online shop by Magento. After selecting the product, the customer can confirm the purchase immediately after entering personal data, payment method, and delivery address. The resulting dynamics convey a feeling of comfort to the customer, which also influences future orders.

The “Advanced Shipping” tool directly measures the delivery weight of the order and thus calculates the delivery costs automatically. This is not only an advantage for customers, but also for warehouse clerks and mail order companies. Customers can then use a tracking number to track their delivery.

Further Magento extensions are:

Request for quote


Magento admin

Subscription and Recurring Payment

Delivery date scheduler