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Can you connect Amazon to Magento?

If you want to market products online, you should highly consider linking your online shop to Amazon. That is why Magento offers this option so you can broaden and generate more customer traffic.

The first step is to get the multi-channel software. This variant is also the most recommended by experts. The software allows you to cooperate directly with Amazon. The only thing that Amazon requires from you is the EAN codes, the product images, and the product descriptions.

However, these do not require a lot of effort, as they can be “recycled” by your online shop. Product profiles are then created on Amazon so that the products can then be sold to a larger customer base. All order and customer data will then be sent directly to you.

But if you are looking for other arrangements, you could also connect Magento and Amazon with OscWare. This forms two interfaces, one in the article imports and one in the article updates. Nevertheless, multi-channeling has proven to benefit online stores.