50+ Professional developers

Shopware Silver & extension partner

Certified Advanced Developers & solution architects

200+ E-commerce Projects

User Experience

A fast loading time improves visitor satisfaction and increases the likelihood that they will stay on your website, visit more pages and ultimately become customers or regular readers.


Search engines like Google take the loading time of a website into account when evaluating the ranking. Fast loading websites have a higher chance of appearing in the search results above.

Conversion Rate

If visitors can navigate your website quickly and smoothly, there is a greater likelihood that they will take action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.

Maximum User Experience, Maximum Page speed

  • API connections to sellers
  • Automatic translation in various languages
  • Roll systems (admin, reseller, local seller)
  • Enter individual attributes
  • Manual creation of products

Optimized right from the start

The project was optimized in the most important aspects during conception and development

Conversion optimized


Tailored to the target group combined with data already collected, both the shop and the app and software were designed for the simplest possible user experience.



Thanks to self-developed plugins and techniques, we were able to do without third-party providers and standard settings, so that we can demonstrate the best values in the loading time.



Whether with a cell phone, tablet or desktop – during development, all possible end devices have been taken into account so that everyone can enjoy an optimal user experience.



The project was optimized in the early phases of development, for example through structured data for the search engines, so that positive SEO results could be achieved directly with live gear.

MMaximum User Experience, Maximum Page speed

We optimized the standard slider from Shopware in-house so that we were able to implement a more user-friendly and faster alternative.

The middleware: Quick migration of the products

Mit der Middleware wurde eine Software geschaffen, die es Sellern ermöglicht, automatisch Produkte zu migrieren und übersetzen.

  • API-Anbindungen zu Sellern
  • Automatische Übersetzung in diversen Sprachen
  • Rollensysteme (Admin, Reseller, Local Seller)
  • Einpflegen von individuellen Attributen
  • Manuelles Anlegen von Produkten

Benefit from our experience with Shopware

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In en bibendumodio. Nullam quis metus congue, facilisis libero id, imprediet nunc. Sed malesuada ultrices felis eget dignissim.

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Built by our experienced developers using Shopware, the WRSTBHVR online store has user-friendly and concise elements that are vivid and responsive. The navigation bar follows you while scrolling down which makes it easier for users to view other pages and guarantees a pleasant experience while shopping.

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We look after cartoucheclub.com on a long-term basis by regularly making UX/UI and frontend adjustments.

That’s what our say Customers about us

" Die Zusammenarbeit mit solution25 verlief reibungslos. Das Team hat uns tatkräftig unterstützt und immer schnell reagiert. Unsere neue Website ist super schön geworden. Auch in Zukunft freuen wir uns auf gemeinsame Projekte. "

Luisa Schindler
Ohh Luilu
Ohh Luilu

" Die Zusammenarbeit mit solution25 ist professionell, angenehm und vor allem bedarfsorientiert. Die Fertigstellung der Arbeiten erfolgt immer zügig; die Abrechnung ist fair und transparent. Gute Ideen gibt es häufig gratis dazu! "

Elisabeth Bröring

" Solution25 hat es geschafft, eine traditionelle Dienstleistung ins 21. Jahrhundert zu holen und dabei geholfen, meinen Kunden einen noch besseren Service zu garantieren. "

Hauke Molter
Hauke Molter Immobilien
Hauke Molter Immobilien