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Does Shopware have running costs?

Monthly or annual costs are applied when using a separate support model. For example, the Silver Subscription included in the Professional Edition for one year can be upgraded to Gold status for 149 EUR per month with an annual payment. For first time users, the Silver version costs 69 EUR per month for the Professional Edition, if payment is done annually.

The Diamond Subscription is automatically part of the purchase of an Enterprise Edition. It offers responsive features and high-quality support. In addition to the classic purchase, renting is also an option for support subscriptions. You can purchase the Gold version 80EUR per month. When renting an Enterprise Edition, Diamond Support is mandatory. Furthermore, plug-ins can cause running costs. These so-called module rentals are to be managed individually in the Shopware account.

Whether a small start-up or a large company, Shopware is suitable for everyone who wants to create an individual online shop.

If you want to learn more about e-commerce development platforms or apps, make sure to read our Shopify lexicon as well. Our dedicated outsourcing team can be your partner in e-commerce.