Shopware bronze & extension partner

Certified Advanced Developers & solution architects

200+ E-commerce Rrojects

50+ Professional developers

Which systems is Shopware compatible with?

Shopware was developed in the PHP programming language and runs on different operating systems and devices. A relational MySQL database is required for all basic needs. The Shopware software package has been running with the standard Symfony and Vue.js technologies since 2016, and it also includes a standard storefront based on Bootstrap and the Twig template engine.

The diverse import and export functions contain freely definable profiles and mappings, where a comprehensive content management system is integrated. Blue-Green Deployment is supported so that updates can be installed step-by-step on cluster systems. The e-commerce system also offers standard interfaces to the most popular payment providers. These include PayPal, Klarna, and credit card payments.

The software package also has various interfaces to systems currently in use, such as B. ERP systems, newsletter software, online marketplaces, or payments. The administration area offers, among other things, a plug-in manager for easy administration, installation, and the updating of existing extensions. Advanced users can use additional frameworks such as jQuery, AngularJS, or Ember.js. In addition, a migration assistant for switching from another shop system to Shopware is available as a free plug-in.

If you want to learn more about e-commerce development platforms or apps, make sure to read our Shopify lexicon as well. Our dedicated outsourcing team can be your partner in e-commerce.