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Can you connect Amazon to Shopware?

There are various plug-ins for interfaces from Shopware to Amazon. Their range of functions is diverse. Accordingly, some Amazon plug-ins are free, others cost up to several hundred euros. Typical functions of such interfaces are the retrieval of Amazon Marketplace orders, the automatic transfer of invoices, the assignment of a collective debtor, or the upload of the shipping status. Among other things, the automated creation of new customers or the listing of articles is also possible, with your price list and automatic calculation on request.

Thanks to an interface from Shopware to Amazon, new customers can order directly with an Amazon customer account. Since no separate registration is necessary, interested parties are more likely to purchase on your store. For the entrepreneur, such an interface saves time, since there’s no need to maintain other sales systems. An important function in this area is the automatic export of the respective inventory from your own webshop to Amazon. The Shopware article number is used as a matching criterion so that Amazon compares the correct products. Many interface plug-ins also work for eBay, Rakuten, and other online marketplaces. Therefore, before downloading the plug-in, you should think about the scope of services you will need in the near future.

If you want to learn more about e-commerce development platforms or apps, make sure to read our Shopify lexicon as well. Our dedicated outsourcing team can be your partner in e-commerce.