Shopware bronze & extension partner

Certified Advanced Developers & solution architects

200+ E-commerce Rrojects

50+ Professional developers

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Product: Get a Comprehensive Analysis and Expert Insights

Free reports conducted by our Q&A team. Apply now and get your own report on the following subjects.

  • SEO (On-page & Off-page)
  • Page speed analysis
  • Code refactor analysis
  • UI/UX Design analysis

Unlock Your Website’s Full Potential with Our Comprehensive SEO Analysis

On-page SEO optimization

    • Titel-Tags
    • Content
    • Technical issues
    • Headings
    • SEO Audit
    • Information architecture
    • Sitewide internal linking
    • Internal links containing keywords

Off-page SEO optimization

    • Guest posting
    • Spam score
    • Reviews among others
    • Domain authority
    • Content marketing

Get in touch with our e-commerce experts.

Page speed analysis

Page speed impacts your search engine rankings, your customer satisfaction, and most importantly your conversion rate. Want to see where your website's at on page speed? We analyze the following issues for free:

    • Landing page redirections
    • CSS, HTML and JavaScript code review
    • Check server response time
    • Evaluate render-blocking JavaScript
    • Review image quality

Code refactor analysis

We can analyze your web's code structure, unnecessary spaghetti and unused code. All websites need proper coding systems and organized syntax for proper functionality. You're not sure if your website is reasonably programmed? No worries, we can have a look for you on the following issues:

    • Headings analysis
    • Check for more than three parameters per function
    • Check if functions have more than one operation
    • Check for comment usage
    • Checking media query usage


How we analyze UI – User Interface

    • Interface consistency
    • Navigation
    • Imagery
    • Visual hierarchy
    • General aesthetic
    • Contrast

How we analyze UX – User Experience

    • Responsivity
    • Structure & Flow
    • User trust
    • AB test plan
    • Interactions
    • Inclusive content